You can enable your recipients to reply directly to your eCards. In this article, you will learn how to store both a general reply address or reply email and an individual reply address.
Set general reply address
Select Administration > Settings > Email in the menu.
In the e-mail settings, you now have the option of entering a mail address of your choice in the “Reply e-mail” field. With a click on “Save” the general reply address has now been set.
Activate individual reply address on eCard level
You can also define an individual reply address – for each eCard.
To do this, open the desired eCard and click on “Edit properties”.
Now you have the possibility under “Email reply settings” to set a check mark at “Reply address is the sender’s e-mail address“. Then save the change below.
This possibility also exists without having performed a previous domain validation.
Now, replies are always addressed to the sender of the eCard, i.e. the e-mail address with which the respective sender has registered in the Power eCard system.